The JAOA regrets 2 errors that appeared in the following article: Petznick AM. Identifying and addressing barriers to insulin acceptance and adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2013;113 (4 suppl 2):S6-S16. In the first column on page S11, reference 26 was incorrectly cited for the quotation “In newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients with markedly symptomatic and/or elevated blood glucose levels or HbA1c, consider insulin therapy, with or without additional agents, from the outset.” Reference 11 should have been cited. In the second box of Figure 8, a greater than symbol was missing from the last line. The item should have read as follows: “Can increase dose by 4 units every 3 days if blood glucose level is >180 mg/dL.” In addition, the JAOA regrets an error that appeared in the following article: Shubrook JH. Insulin therapy for challenging patient cases. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2013;113(4 suppl 2):S17-S28. In the last paragraph on page S26, William’s insulin dosage incorrectly appeared as “18 U before breakfast and 18 U before dinner.” This dosage should have appeared as “22 U before breakfast and 14 U before dinner.” These changes have been made to the full text versions of the articles online.
Public Health and Primary CareCorrections
J Osteopath Med; 113(7): 507-507