On page 59 of Radnovich, in the fourth paragraph of the “Report of Cases” section, the dosing schedule for the heated lidocaine 70 mg-tetracaine 70 mg topical patch administered to patient 1 was incorrectly stated as “initially twice per day, applied to the most palpably painful area on her shoulder for 3 to 4 hours per week and then tapered to as-needed use during the course of 4 weeks.” Instead, this line should have stated that the patch was applied “to the most palpably painful area on her shoulder 3 to 4 hours twice daily for 1 week, and the dose was subsequently tapered over the course of the following 4 weeks to as-needed use.” On page 159 of LaSalle et al, in the paragraph immediately before the “Conclusion” section, the number .087 was incorrectly identified as a P value. The number should have appeared as an adjusted mean difference from analysis of covariance. The sentence should have appeared as, “Statistical noninferiority for the adjusted difference in HbA1c levels at the study completion, however, was observed in a subgroup analysis of covariance of patients with a HbA1c level of 8% or less at randomization (0.087: 95% confidence interval,= −0.175 to 0.349).” These corrections will be made to both the full text and PDF versions of the articles online.
Public Health and Primary CareCorrection
J Osteopath Med; 113(3): 202-202