Public Health and Primary CareReview Article

Metastatic Brain Tumors: Current Therapeutic Options and Historical Perspective

Mark Rivkin, DO, and Richard B. Kanoff, DO, MSc
Notes and Affiliations
Notes and Affiliations

Received: October 24, 2012

Accepted: December 17, 2012

Published: May 1, 2013

J Osteopath Med; 113(5): 418-423

Metastatic brain tumors affect more than 150,000 patients annually in the United States. The therapeutic paradigms for these tumors have evolved over the years and currently encompass numerous modalities implemented by treating physicians across several medical disciplines. The armamentarium of brain tumor treatment involves neurosurgical intervention, whole-brain and focused radiation modalities, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. Patient selection, however, remains critical to achieve maximal therapeutic benefit and depends on functional status, number and location of lesions, and tissue histologic findings. Best outcomes can be expected with a multidisciplinary approach to patient care where state-of-the-art treatment options are readily available.

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