Musculoskeletal Medicine and PainORIGINAL ARTICLE

An osteopathic assessment of lower extremity somatic dysfunctions in runners

Abbey Santanello, DO, MS; Mikhail Volokitin, MD, DO; Pamela Matthew, DO, MPH, MS; Anthony Modica, DO, MS; Chase McKellar, BS; Krisha Thakkar, BS; Mollie Schear, DO; Angela Tai, DO; Jeffrey Nagler, BS; and Sergio Suarez, DO
Notes and Affiliations
Notes and Affiliations

Received: February 23, 2024

Accepted: September 9, 2024

Published: December 5, 2024

  • Abbey Santanello, DO, MS, 

    Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
    , New York, NY, USA

  • Mikhail Volokitin, MD, DO, 

    Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
    , New York, NY, USA

  • Pamela Matthew, DO, MPH, MS, 

    Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
    , New York, NY, USA

  • Anthony Modica, DO, MS, 

    Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
    , New York, NY, USA

  • Chase McKellar, BS, 

    Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
    , New York, NY, USA

  • Krisha Thakkar, BS, 

    Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
    , New York, NY, USA

  • Mollie Schear, DO, 

    Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
    , New York, NY, USA

  • Angela Tai, DO, 

    Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
    , New York, NY, USA

  • Jeffrey Nagler, BS, 

    Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
    , New York, NY, USA

  • Sergio Suarez, DO, 

    Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
    , New York, NY, USA

J Osteopath Med; 125(3): 135-141

Context: Runners often experience acute/chronic pain due to pre-existing structural somatic dysfunction and/or acquired various overuse injuries of the lower extremity, specifically affecting the ligaments, tendons, muscles, and bones. Common structural and function dysfunctions include but are not limited to patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), Achilles tendonitis, iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), ligamentous and muscle tears, muscle sprains/strains, stress fractures, pes planus, plantar fasciitis, and shin splints.

Objectives: The purpose of this study is to assess the correlation between acute and chronic pain, overuse injuries, and observational and palpatory findings upon evaluation to establish common trends of somatic dysfunctions and determine possible etiology of the pain/injury.

Methods: A total of 103 individuals were recruited (54.4% female, 45.6% male) aged 23–67 years old who consistently run at least 1 mile each week. They were categorized based on their weekly mileage – Novice (1–5 miles per week), Moderate (6–15), Advanced (15+) – with the intention to have a diversity of running types and to assess the data at various levels of commitment to running. The average was 7.8 miles/week with the range at 1 to 28 miles per week. The subjects included Touro students and individuals in the community. A history was collected through an anonymous survey on the individual’s running habits, chronic/acute injuries, and any other relevant medical information. Data analyzing investigators were blinded to subjects’ identifying information. Additionally, an osteopathic assessment was performed by two student investigators for reliability purposes and conducted under supervision by a board-certified osteopathic physician.

Results: Analysis of the data suggested an existing correlation between the number of somatic dysfunctions and years of running. A slight correlation was found between somatic dysfunctions and miles per week, sports injuries, time per week, and lower extremity pain. Finally, statistical correlations were also identified between the presence of pes planus and limb length discrepancy with three distinct muscular hypertonicities.

Conclusions: Runners’ pains and injuries of the lower extremity are complex, and injury treatment and prevention is equally multifaceted. An association was found between both pes planus and limb length discrepancy with lower extremity muscle hypertonicity, suggesting the interrelated nature of these somatic dysfunctions. The survey concluded that many runners continue to run in pain and/or after significant injury but do not necessarily capitalize on existing support such as fitted shoes, custom arches, and osteopathic treatment that may help to minimize their risk of or treat injury. The intention of the research is to bring awareness to practitioners to the most common somatic dysfunctions such that they can recommend runners to obtain gait analyses and/or osteopathic treatments, which may not only alleviate injuries faster but also prevent future injury.

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