Medical EducationBRIEF REPORT

Citation and Correction of Deficiencies in Osteopathic Graduate Medical Education Programs: Opportunities for Improvement

Alisa Pierson, MS
Notes and Affiliations
Notes and Affiliations

Received: December 20, 2014

Accepted: February 10, 2014

Published: April 1, 2014

J Osteopath Med; 114(4): 290-294

Since 2008, the American Osteopathic Association has gathered data on osteopathic graduate medical education program compliance with the association’s correction of deficiencies processes. The purpose of the current article is to look at those data to discover trends and identify patterns and areas for improvement for osteopathic graduate medical education. In addition to providing quantitative data, the author also uses qualitative data to explain why corrective action plans are recommended for denial.

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