
The authors regret that two errors appeared in the following article: Snider KT, Jorgensen DJ. Billing and coding for osteopathic manipulative treatment. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2009;109:409-413. http://www.jaoa.org/cgi/content/full/109/8/409. Accessed October 14, 2009. The first sentence of the first paragraph after the abstract on page 409 appears as, “The current procedural terminology (CPT) manual is updated on an annual basis with the descriptions of each procedure as well as what services are typically bundled with that procedure.” This passage should have printed as follows: “The current procedural terminology (CPT) manual is updated on an annual basis and includes new, revised, and deleted reimbursement codes. The National Correct Coding Initiative identifies what services are typically bundled with procedures.” Also, the first block of quoted text on page 410 was reproduced from the 2006 CPT manual rather than the 2009 CPT manual and incorrectly stated that circumstances “may be reported by adding the modifier -25 to the appropriate level of E/M service, or the separate five digit modifier 09925 may be used.” Because the 09925 code is no longer in use, the second half of this sentence should have been removed. Therefore, the statement should have appeared as follows: “This circumstance may be reported by adding the modifier -25 to the appropriate level of E/M service.” These changes have been made to the full text and PDF versions of this article online.

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