
Corrections to Beria JS et al 2013:113(3):224-248; Shaw KA et al 2012;112(12):775-782; Cohen-Lewe A 2013;113(3):216-220; March 2013 CME Quiz and April 2013 Table of Contents

Notes and Affiliations
Notes and Affiliations

Published: June 1, 2013

J Osteopath Med; 113(6): 449-449

The JAOA and the Bureau on International Osteopathic Medical Education and Affairs regret an error that appeared in the following abstract: Beria JS, Giordano J, Jung M-K, Passafaro M, Lardner DA, Ahmed AZ. Chagas disease screening and prevalence in rural villages of El Salvador [abstract BIO1122]. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2013:113(3):224-248. The authors should have appeared in this order: Jasmine Susana Beria, OMS III; Jonathan Giordano, OMS III; Min-Kyung Jung, PhD; Deborah Anne Lardner, DO; A. Zehra Ahmed, RPA-C, MBBS; and Michael Passafaro, DO. In addition, the JAOA regrets the following errors: Shaw KA, Dougherty JJ, Treffer KD, Glaros AG. Establishing the content validity of palpatory examination for the assessment of the lumbar spine using ultrasonography: a pilot study. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2012;112(12):775-782. A study by Zink and Lawson—which was called out on page 780—was omitted at end of the reference list on page 782, where it should have appeared as follows: 18. Zink GJ, Lawson WB. An osteopathic structural examination and functional interpretation of the soma. Osteopath Ann. 1979;7(12):433-440. Cohen-Lewe A. Osteopathic manipulative treatment for colonic inertia. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2013;113(3):216-220. The author’s corresponding address was incorrect. The corresponding address should have read, “Adam Cohen-Lewe, DO, Provena Medical Group, Healing Arts Pavilion, 410 E Lincoln Hwy, Suite 251, New Lenox, IL 60451-1976.” Answers to the March 2013 JAOA CME quiz. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2013;113(4):366. The answers to questions 4 and 6 of the March 2013 continuing medical education quiz were incorrect. The answer to question 4 should have read, “(a) Idiopathic scoliosis is confirmed at a Cobb angle greater than 10∘.” The answer to question 6 should have read, “(d) Management of gastrointestinal visceral dysfunction below the diaphragm could include inhibitory pressure on celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior mesenteric ganglia.” Table of contents. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2013;113(4):258-259. The title for the article by Justin Faden, DO (J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2013;113[4]:364-365), was listed incorrectly as “Maintaining Empathy in a Modern-Day Asylum.” The title should have appeared as “Maintaining Empathy in a Locked Psychiatric Unit.” These corrections will be made to the full text and PDF versions of these articles online.

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