Medical EducationCommentary

Incorporating Simulation Technology Into a Neurology Clerkship

David Matthew Ermak, DO; Douglas W. Bower, MD; Jody Wood, BS; Elizabeth H. Sinz, MD; and Milind J. Kothari, DO
Notes and Affiliations
Notes and Affiliations

Received: December 12, 2012

Accepted: April 25, 2013

Published: August 1, 2013

J Osteopath Med; 113(8): 628-635

Simulation-based medical education is growing in use and popularity in various settings and specialties. A literature review yields scant information about the use of simulation-based medical education in neurology, however. The specialty of neurology presents an interesting challenge to the field of simulation-based medical education because of the inability of even the most advanced mannequins to mimic a focal neurologic deficit. The authors present simulator protocols for status epilepticus and acute stroke that use a high-fidelity mannequin despite its inability to mimic a focal neurologic deficit. These protocols are used in the training of third- and fourth-year medical students during their neurology clerkship at Penn State College of Medicine. The authors also provide a review of the pertinent literature.

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