Letters to the EditorLetter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor Regarding “Billing and Coding for OMT”

Yolanda L. Doss, MJ, RHIA, and Karen T. Snider, DO
Notes and Affiliations
Notes and Affiliations

Published: November 1, 2009

  • Karen T. Snider, DO, 

    Division of Socioeconomic Affairs, American Osteopathic Association, Chicago, Illinois

J Osteopath Med; 109(11): 570-570

The authors offer feedback on a previously published article: Snider KT, Jorgensen DJ. Billing and coding for osteopathic manipulative treatment. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2009;109:409-413. http://www.jaoa.org/cgi/content/full/109 /8/409.

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