Articles related toLetters to the Editor

Addressing confounding factors in the match disparities between DO and MD seniors

Forrest Bohler, BS
Advance Article

Educating our colleagues and hospital administrators regarding osteopathic medicine

Steven B. Soliman, DO, RMSK, FAIUM, FAOCR
J Osteopath Med; 125(1): 53-54

Investigating trends in orthopedic surgery match for osteopathic and allopathic graduates post-single accreditation transition

Michael Megafu, DO, MPH; and Omar D. Guerrero, BS
Advance Article

Response to: Regarding “Issues of informed consent for non-specialists conducting colorectal cancer screenings”

Forrest Bohler, BS; and Allison Garden, BS
J Osteopath Med; 124(11): 519-519

Response to “Fostering a research culture in osteopathic medical education”

Angela Ho, DO; Alyssa Auerbach, DO; Jantzen J. Faulkner, DO; Satvinder K. Guru, DO; Amber Lee, DO; and David Manna, PhD
J Osteopath Med; 124(10): 469-469

Regarding “Issues of informed consent for non-specialists conducting colorectal cancer screenings”

Sareena Ali, DO; Robert Mowery, DO; and Ryan T. Hoff, DO
J Osteopath Med; 124(11): 517-518

Methodological limitations of the sternal brace test study

Dhimitri A. Nikolla, DO, MS; Cameron Raich, DO; and Thomas E. Erickson, DO
J Osteopath Med; 124(12): 561-562

Response to “Osteopathic manipulative treatment for the allopathic resident elective: comments on survey selection”

Andrew H. Slattengren, DO; Mary E. Wootten, DO; Caroline S. Carlin, PhD; and Tanner J. Nissly, DO
J Osteopath Med; 124(9): 419-420

Fostering a research culture in osteopathic medical education

Samuel Kadavakollu, PhD; Thu Dang, BS; and Sherese Richards, MD
J Osteopath Med; 124(10): 465-467

Challenges to address prior to considering performing musculoskeletal point-of-care ultrasound

Steven B. Soliman, DO, RMSK, FAOCR
J Osteopath Med; 124(3): 139-140