The authors present the case of a 24-year-old man who sustained multiple injuries during a hard landing following a parachute jump. These injuries included a right sacral fracture, bilateral femoral fractures, a separated pubic symphysis, and compression fractures of the fifth and sixth thoracic vertebrae. He was treated with a right sacroiliac joint fixation, pubic symphysis fixation, open reduction internal fixation of his bilateral femurs, and fusion of the third through seventh thoracic vertebrae. The patient experienced back pain, bilateral hip pain, and bilateral knee pain resistant to chiropractic and medical treatments. The patient presented 2 years after his aforementioned surgical procedures for treatment of persistent postoperative pain at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation service at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Hampton, Virginia. His treatment involved gait correction achieved using a left-sided heel lift and a transition to custom molded orthotics that incorporated the lift. This treatment leveled his sacral base and resulted in a simultaneous decrease in his self-reported pain scores.
Musculoskeletal Medicine and PainCASE REPORT
J Osteopath Med; 120(10): 672-676