Medical EducationCOMMENTARY

Osteopathic Medical Education and Social Accountability

Robyn Phillips-Madson, DO, MPH, and Shafik Dharamsi, PhD
Notes and Affiliations
Notes and Affiliations

Received: November 16, 2015

Accepted: November 30, 2015

Published: April 1, 2016

J Osteopath Med; 116(4): 202-206

The public’s trust in physicians continues to decline. As a way to begin regaining this trust, stakeholders, including physicians, medical educators, patient advocacy groups, and community-based organizations, have called for medical education to meet societal health needs, particularly the needs of those members who are most vulnerable, by incorporating social accountability into the medical school curriculum. The unique attributes of the osteopath-ic medical profession provide an enabling and conducive environment for broader social accountability in the health care system. Osteopathic medical schools must actively safeguard the profession’s unequivocal commitment to producing healers that are fiduciaries for their patients, communities, and populations at large.

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