The statements of Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO, abound within the osteopathic literature. However, Still is sometimes misquoted, and corresponding references to his quotations are occasionally incomplete or inaccurate. There are several reasons why these errors continue to occur, including confusion surrounding the copyright dates and multiple editions of his books. In addition, less reliable, secondary sources of Still’s words are often used instead of primary sources. To help resolve these problems, the author proposes 3 solutions. A list of Still’s known published books, including the correct copyright date of The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy, is provided. The disadvantages associated with using the 2 most popular secondary sources of Still’s work are described. Guidelines from the 10th edition of the AMA Manual of Style are reviewed to assist authors, educators, and students in accurately citing material from older sources, such as Still’s writings.
J Osteopath Med; 112(6): 366-373