The importance of increasing scholarly activity has been highlighted among residency programs currently accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) to ensure a smooth transition to the single accreditation system. The Scholar 7 program, a series of seven 2-hour sessions, was created to aid faculty and residents in the pursuit of scholarly work and to facilitate change in an entire community hospital system’s environment by creating a self-replicating scholarly culture in a timely and cost-efficient manner. Skills were taught by means of preparation and submission of a research protocol to the institutional review board (IRB) along with grant proposals. The authors tracked scholarly work, IRB submissions, and grants awarded to participants during the 2015-2016 academic year. The results were compared in a post-hoc fashion with previous classes since 2007-2008 within the same hospitals system. The Scholar 7 program successfully aided faculty in achieving their required pursuit of scholarly work in 8 months. This program has the potential to help AOA-focused residency programs meet the scholarly requirements of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
Medical EducationCommentary
J Osteopath Med; 117(10): 643-650