Obstetrics/GynecologyCASE REPORT

Somatic Dysfunctions of Hip and Pelvis Overlooked in a Case of Vulvodynia

Athina Giovanis, DO, and Stephanie Zeszutek, DO
Notes and Affiliations
Notes and Affiliations

Received: July 22, 2020

Accepted: July 31, 2020

Published: October 6, 2020

J Osteopath Med; 120(11): 792-795

Vulvodynia is chronic perineal pain in women. Repercussions of this disorder can have a negative effect on women’s health and lifestyle. The origin is often multifactorial, including pelvic and lower extremity somatic dysfunctions. If left untreated, these somatic dysfunctions can directly alter ligamentous tension on the pelvic floor and surrounding regions, resulting in perineal pain. Management of vulvodynia must be individualized due to the multifactorial etiology and complicated structure and function of the pelvic floor muscles. The authors present a case of vulvodynia in which osteopathic manipulative treatment was an effective management technique.

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