Splenosis is a rare occurrence that is defined as autotransplantation of splenic tissue usually after splenic rupture due to trauma and subsequent splenectomy. Although splenosis most commonly occurs in the abdomen, the authors report a rare case of thoracic splenosis after remote thoracoabdominal trauma. A 62-year-old woman was found to have lower-lobe, pleural-based nodular lesions in juxtaposition to the posteromedial segment of the lung during workup for an abdominal hernia. Surgical excision of the mass confirmed the diagnosis of ectopic splenic tissue, and splenosis was diagnosed. This woman was among the rare 18% of people who are found to have splenosis in the intrathoracic space. In the workup of pulmonary nodules in patients with a history of trauma, splenosis should be a consideration.
Musculoskeletal Medicine and PainCase Report
J Osteopath Med; 113(11): 853-856