Articles related toPublic Health and Primary Care

Evaluating attitudes among healthcare graduate students following interprofessional education on opioid use disorder

Chrissa Karagiannis, BS; Julia Liang, BS; Susan St. Pierre, DO; Carinne Brody, DrPH; and Christina Kinnevey, MD
The authors aimed to determine whether attitudes could be affected by an interprofessional education (IPE) event by assessing attitudes utilizing an adapted version of the Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Perceptions Questionnaire (AAPPQ) before and after the IPE event.
J Osteopath Med; 124(2): 85-93

The effectiveness of disinfection protocols in osteopathic family medicine offices

Riley Phyu, BS; Harrison A. Patrizio, BS; Thomas Boyle, MS; and Todd Schachter, DO
This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the current disinfection protocols in osteopathic family medicine offices.
J Osteopath Med; 123(12): 585-591

Issues of informed consent for non-specialists conducting colorectal cancer screenings

Forrest Bohler, BS; and Allison Garden, BS
This commentary highlights inequities due to the overreliance on non-specialists to conduct a colorectal cancer screenings and the ethical issues raised by nondisclosure of elevated risks.
J Osteopath Med; 124(1): 39-42

Preventing quality improvement drift: evaluation of efforts to sustain the cost savings from implementing best practice guidelines to reduce unnecessary electrocardiograms (ECGs) during the preadmisison testing evaluation

Rabeel Ahmad, BA; Ellen Hauck, DO, PhD; Huaging Zhao, PhD, MS; and Joseph McComb, DO, MBA
The objectives of this study were to improve and maintain adherence to published guidelines for preoperative ECG testing at a university hospital in a physician-led, nurse practitioner–staffed preadmission testing clinic.
J Osteopath Med; 123(11): 547-554

Diabetic ketoacidosis diagnosis in a hospital setting

Amber M. Healy, DO; Mallory Faherty, PhD, ATC; Zeryab Khan, DO; Naveen Emara, DO; Cody Carter, DO; Andrew Scheidemantel, DO; Musa Abu-Jubara, DO; and Robert Young, DO
The aims of this study were to determine how often diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is overdiagnosed in the context of other acute hyperglycemic emergencies, to describe the baseline characteristics of patients, to determine the hospital treatments for DKA, and to identify the frequency of endocrinology or diabetology consultation in the hospital setting.
J Osteopath Med; 123(10): 499-503

Associations of clinical personnel characteristics and controlled substance prescribing practices

Robert Millhollon, BS; Covenant Elenwo, MPH; Alex Lundberg, BS; Will Roberts, DO; Jason Beaman, DO; Natasha Bray, DO; and Micah Hartwell, PhD
This study aims to assess prescribing behaviors by physicians in 2021 based on four demographics utilizing the National Electronic Health Record System (NEHRS): physician’s age, sex, specialty, and degree.
J Osteopath Med; 123(9): 451-458

Physician stress in the era of COVID-19 vaccine disparity: a multi-institutional survey

Sarah Zahl, PhD; Debasis Mondal, PhD; David Tolentino, DO; Jennifer A. Fischer, PhD; and Sherry Jimenez, EdD
Despite the availability of several vaccines against COVID-19, the absence of vaccination in patients and colleagues remains a source of stress in healthcare workers. The objective of this study is to determine whether exposure to unvaccinated patients and/or colleagues increases stress and burnout in physician preceptors.
J Osteopath Med; 123(7): 351-355

Trends of colorectal cancer screening methods: an analysis of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data from 2018–2020

Gregory Balcerak, BS; Morgan Garrett, BS; Benjamin H. Greiner, DO; and Micah Hartwell, PhD
The authors' primary objective was to evaluate trends in colorectal cancer screening methods from 2018 through 2020 by analyzing data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
J Osteopath Med; 123(6): 317-323

Associations of intimate partner violence and maternal comorbidities: a cross-sectional analysis of the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System

Micah Hartwell, PhD; Ashley Keener, PhD; Kristyn Robling, BS; Mackenzie Enmeier, BS; Nicholas B. Sajjadi, BS; Benjamin Greiner, DO; and Jameca Price, MD
The authors' primary objective was to examine associations between intimate partner violence — which occurs when an intimate partner inflicts physical, sexual, and/or emotional assault with coercive control — and maternal comorbidities.
J Osteopath Med; 123(8): 405-410

Trends and forecasted rates of adverse childhood experiences among adults in the United States: an analysis of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

Micah Hartwell, PhD; Amy Hendrix-Dicken, MA; Rachel Terry, BS; Sadie Schiffmacher, BS; Lauren Conway, DO; and Julie M. Croff, PhD
Given the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) as reported in the literature in addition to the increasing risk factors for ACEs in the US, we hypothesized that the mean ACE score among adults in the US would show a rising trend over time. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate trends in cumulative ACEs from 1940 through 2020.
J Osteopath Med; 123(7): 357-366