Articles related toPublic Health and Primary Care

Tophaceous Gout in a Patient With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Damon L. Baker, DO; Jeffrey S. Stroup, PharmD; and Carrie Ann Gilstrap, DO
J Osteopath Med; 107(12): 554-556

Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis Acquired After a Short Course of Prednisone Therapy

Angela D. Ferguson, DO
J Osteopath Med; 107(11): 491-493

Extended-Release Bupropion–Induced Grand Mal Seizures

David J. Rissmiller, DO; and Thomas Campo, DO
J Osteopath Med; 107(10): 441-442

Overactive Bladder: Treatment Options in Primary Care Medicine

David O. Sussman, DO
J Osteopath Med; 107(9): 379-385

Gender Differences and Alcohol Use in the US Army

R. Gregory Lande, DO; Barbara A. Marin, PhD; Audrey S. Chang, PhD; and Galen R. Lande
J Osteopath Med; 107(9): 401-407

Insulin Therapy for Maximal Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Craig W. Spellman, PhD, DO
J Osteopath Med; 107(7): 260-269

Herbal Products and Dietary Supplements: A Survey of Use, Attitudes, and Knowledge Among Older Adults

Jacqueline S. Marinac, PharmD; Colleen L. Buchinger, MD; Lincoln A. Godfrey, DO; James M. Wooten, PharmD; Chao Sun, MD, MPH; and Sandra K. Willsie, DO
J Osteopath Med; 107(1): 13-23

Adverse childhood experiences and trauma informed care: treating the whole patient with a more complete osteopathic approach

T. Brian Marcoux, DO
In this Commentary, the author proposes an expansion of the Tenets of Osteopathic Medicine with a fifth principle—considering the implications of a patient’s past formative experiences, their present life circumstances, and their future prospects—as a vehicle for instilling trauma informed care principles ubiquitously throughout osteopathic medical training to develop physicians who treat the whole person more completely and are better equipped to manage this public health crisis.
J Osteopath Med; 121(9): 763-769

Clinically significant depressive symptoms and high diabetes distress in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in Appalachian Ohio

Elizabeth A. Beverly, PhD; and Francis Osowik, OMS IV
The authors assess the prevalence of diabetes distress as well as comorbid, clinically significant depressive symptoms and diabetes distress among patients in southeastern Ohio; and to assess impact of depressive symptoms and diabetes distress on A1C levels, diabetes self care behaviors, and diabetes quality of life.
J Osteopath Med; 121(10): 813-824

The role of tocilizumab therapy in critically ill patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

Zaid Saffo, DO; Weixia Guo, MD, MSc; Kylie Springer, MS; Kathleen Maksimowicz-McKinnon, DO; Vivek Kak, MD; John E. McKinnon, MD, MSc; and Pallavi Bhargava, MD
Tocilizumab (TCZ), an interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor antagonist, has been approved for use in rheumatoid arthritis and cytokine storm syndrome (CSS) associated with chimeric antigen receptor T cells treatment. Although TCZ is currently utilized in the treatment of critically ill coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) patients, data on survival impact is minimal. The authors assess the mortality rate of patients presenting with COVID-19 who received TCZ for suspected CSS.
J Osteopath Med; 121(8): 705-714